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Special Honor Stoles and Cords approved by the National to be worn for graduations at those institutions where permitted.

The official Sigma Gamma Tau Honor Stole is made of both white and red satin.
The brilliant red panel drapes around the back of the neck to the chest, where each side is
completed in bright white down to a point at approximately waist length.
The tab on the right is handsomely embroidered with the Greek letters
in red, while the left tab is embroidered with the key design in red and gold.
The embroidery is beautifully detailed, using almost 7,000 stitches.
Orders are taken through your chapter faculty advisor who forwards the
request for the entire chapter to the National Secretary/Treasurer.
Sigma Gamma Tau Honor Society National Headquarters
Dr. Roy Myose, Nat'l Secretary/Treasurer
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
Wichita State University
Wichita, KS 67260-0044
P: (316) 978-5935 F: (316) 978-3307
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